As believers in Christ, we need to bear the truth by learning and practicing it in our daily church life. When every brother and sister in the church life is full of life and truth, the church will be strong as the house of the living God and the pillar and base of the […]
We need to Bear the Truth by Learning and Practicing it in our Daily Church Life
The Church is the Pillar and Base of the Truth concerning Christ and the Church

Praise the Lord, the church is the pillar and base of the truth concerning Christ and the church, the eternal economy of God! The church is the supporting pillar and the holding base of the truth, holding forth and testifying to the truth that only Christ is reality in the universe and the church […]
How to Conduct Ourselves in the House of God: Headship of Christ and Healthy Teaching

As believers in Christ, we know how to conduct ourselves in the house of God, which is the church of the living God; we need to love the Word of God, respect the headship of Christ, bear the truth, take care of the healthy teaching, and live and act in our spirit so that […]
We Uphold the Truth by Learning the Truth, Experiencing the Truth, and Speaking the Truth

We uphold the truth by learning the truth, experiencing the truth, and speaking the truth. All the saints need to uphold the truth, for the entire church is the supporting pillar and the holding base of the truth; we all need to know the truth, experience the truth, and speak the truth. For this to […]
The Church is the Supporting Pillar and Holding Base of the Truth, the Divine Reality

The church is the supporting pillar and the holding base of the truth; the church upholds the truth and is the pillar and base of the truth. This week in our morning revival we come to the matter of, Upholding the Truth and Testifying to the Truth that the Church is the Pillar and Base […]
The Church is the Pillar and Base of the Truth, God Manifested in the Flesh

God is a mystery, Christ is the mystery of God, and the church is the mystery of Christ – this means that if we want to know the church, we will be mind-blown since we will get to know a little about the mystery of the universe. In Paul’s Epistles there are many indicators and […]
the church is the house of the living God, the supporting pillar and holding base of the truth
God expresses Himself on earth the way He wants – in His church, His dwelling place. It is in the church that God can practice His New Testament economy, He can speak forth what is in His heart, and He can manifest His glory! God feels at home in no other place but in the church, and it is here that He expresses Himself and manifests Himself – all He is, all He’s doing, and all He wants to obtain are to be expressed in the church as God’s dwelling place.