The importance and benefits of morning revival are repeatedly stressed in the churches and among the saints in the Lord’s Recovery. This practice not only takes care of our personal relationship with the Lord, but also allows for the healthy teaching and solid food being assimilated at bite-size portions, regularly, and in line with the […]
My Experience of Practicing Morning Revival and Preparing to Prophesy on Lord’s Day
The Foundation, Purpose, Principles and Practice of Morning Revival

My Foundation: To know Him the Lord has been my aspiration since my prayer in 1970, “God, if You are real, be real to me.” In the spring of 1973 I was introduced to the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee through some faithful brothers. These brothers taught me that the best and most […]
Lingering in God’s Presence to Intercede for Others before Him according to His heart

We may think that serving God involves doing great works for God, laboring day and night, and having no personal freedom or enjoyment. But what we see in the Bible is that our main service to God is our prayer to Him according to His heart and will. Our God is almighty and can do […]
Lighting the Lamps in the Sanctuary signifies the Proper Way to Meet as Christians

The priests in the Old Testament did three main things: they offered the sacrifices (in the outer court), they light the lamps (in the Holy Place), and they burn the incense (in the Holy of Holies). Offering the sacrifices in the outer court was on the altar on behalf of the people; the people of […]
Singing to the Well and Digging Away all the Dirt in our Being so that Life may Flow

God’s desire is to be the fountain of living waters to His people for them to drink, have their thirst quenched, and spontaneously live a life for God’s purpose. In order to become the fountain of living waters to us, God became a man and, in Christ, He was smitten on the cross (as the […]
Having a Direct Contact with the Lord and Exercising our Heart to Grow in Life

What is growth in life? It is simply the increase of God and the decrease of our natural man, the increase of the stature of Christ and less of us, and more ground given to the Holy Spirit to work in us and less of ourselves. Since Christ came into our spirit at the time […]
Enjoying Christ as the Topstone of Grace for the Completion of God’s Building

The Bible clearly shows us that Christ is everything for God’s building. First of all, Christ is the One who builds His church, His Body, as the building of God (Matt. 16:18). Christ is the foundation stone, the only foundation laid by God for His building – He upholds and supports the entire building of […]