We need to pray and endeavour to reach the high peak of the reality of the Body of Christ in this age to be the Lord’s overcomers and close this age to bring the Lord back. The corporate living of the perfected God-men as the reality of the Body of Christ will close this […]
Endeavor to Reach the High Peak of the Reality of the Body of Christ to Close this Age
The Reality of the Body: a Corporate living of a Crucified Life by the Divine Life

The highest peak in God’s economy is the reality of the Body of Christ, which is the corporate living of a group of God-men who have been perfected and matured; we need to live a crucified life by the divine life following the Lord’s pattern to be in the reality of the Body of Christ. […]
Being Blended and Mingled with God for the Church Life as a Corporate Meal Offering

Christ’s life and our individual Christian life issues in a totality, which is the church life as the corporate meal offering; the meal offering is a type of blending to bring us into the reality of the Body of Christ. On one hand, Christ is the meal offering, and the humanity of Christ mingled […]
Reality of the Body is the Corporate Living of the Perfected God-men by the Divine Life

What is the reality of the Body of Christ? It is the corporate living of the perfected God-men who are united, joined, and constituted together with God by the mingling of humanity with divinity, and who live not by their life but by the divine life. We believers in Christ are very special persons; we […]
The Reality of the Body is the Corporate and Mingling Living in Oneness with God

The reality of the Body of Christ is the corporate living by the perfected God-men who live by the divine life in resurrection, and this reality is the mingling living of the believers in union with the Triune God. Wow! The reality of the Body of Christ has nothing to do with our old creation, […]
Before the Lord Jesus Comes Back, He will Fully Recover the Proper Church Life

This week in our morning revival we come to a very precious and dear matter both to the Lord and to us: the recovery of the church life; He wants to recover the proper church life today! This expression, the church life, is not very common among believers today. On the day we were baptized […]