If we are unveiled and enlightened, we will see that we today need to rise up together and take Christ as our person for the new man, for when the new man is perfected, that’s the time for the Lord’s coming, and the perfected new man will be the bride. What the Lord is […]
Being Perfected and Rising up Together to Take Christ as our Person for the New Man
Experience Christ to Grow in Life and Function for the New Man to be Perfect Functionally

In order for the one new man to become perfect functionally, we all need to experience Christ so that He may be wrought into us to be our everything; as Christ saturates us, we as His members are joined and knit together, and we function in our measure for the building up of the Body. […]
The New Man needs to be Perfected through Cherishing and Nourishing for Growth in Life

The one new man created by Christ on the cross is complete organically, but this new man needs to be perfected through the growth in life so that it may become a full-grown man expressing God. Our growth in the divine life is for the perfecting of the one new man. We need to grow […]
Now is the Time for God to Accomplish His Purpose, for Him to Perfect the One New Man

When we realize that God’s purpose and Goal in this age is to bring forth the one new man, and this is the unique thing He is after and which will bring Him back, we will realize that now is the time for God to accomplish His purpose – to perfect the one new man. […]