In Leviticus chs. 1-10 God trained His people to worship and partake of Him through the offerings and the priesthood; Christ is the reality of the offerings with which we worship God. We love God, we enjoy His word, and we appreciate our fellowship with Him and with all the saints, but as we see […]
We’re being Trained to Worship God through Christ as the Reality of the Offerings
Being a Continual Burnt Offering to be Reduced to Ashes and become the New Jerusalem!

In order for us to overcome the principle of Babylon and return to the orthodoxy of the church, we need to daily take Christ as our burnt offering; this will cause us to be reduced to ashes, which are treasured by God and are becoming the New Jerusalem, even though the world despises them. The […]
The Meaning of Moses’ Enacting the Law and God’s Intention in Decreeing the Law

The blood of the covenant is something deep in the heart of God, having a great significance and importance in His eyes. If we look at the old covenant with the law, we will be very surprised to see that, after the giving of the law in Exo. 19-20, Moses didn’t “command God’s people to […]
Daily Eating and Enjoying Christ as the Reality of all the Offerings for our Food

Jesus Christ, our High Priest, testified that the living Father sent Him and He lived because of the Father; He ate the Father and lived because of the Father, and now we as the sons of God and priests to God need to eat Christ and live because of Him (John 6:57). Our food as […]