We need to have the truth wrought into our being, constituted into our being, so that we may be able to properly explain the truth in God’s word to bring others not merely a temporary inspiration but the solid truth for them to enjoy and experience Christ. When we speak of the truth, we […]
Pay the Price to have the Truth Wrought into us and Constituted into our Being
Pay the Price to Buy the Truth and Stand for the Absoluteness of the Present Truth

We need to buy truth and not sell it; we need to pay the price to buy the truth, be absolute for the truth, stand on the side of the truth, not compromise the truth, and be absolute for the present truth. Prov. 23:23 tells us that we should buy truth and not sell it. […]
Human Culture is a Frustration to Experiencing Christ and it Opposes God’s Kingdom

We need to realize that the whole of the human culture opposes God, and culture is a frustration to God’s purpose concerning Christ and the church, for culture frustrates us from experiencing Christ, growing in life, and arriving at a full-grown man. From its very beginning to its development until today throughout the ages, culture […]
Be Watchful by Paying the Price to gain more of the Spirit in our Soul and be Ready!

We praise and thank the Lord that He has regenerated us and came as the Spirit in our spirit; however, for us to be prepared for His return, we need to pay the price to gain more of the Spirit in our soul. The parable of the ten virgins in Matt. 25 is a very […]
Knowing the Body and Engaging in Spiritual Warfare by being for God and Obeying Him

We need to grow in life unto maturity until we reach the fourth stage of our spiritual experience and spiritual life – Christ’s full growth in us; this stage is of engaging in spiritual warfare, where Christ is fully grown and matured in us. In the first stage of the experience of life we experience […]
Having an Experiential Knowledge of Christ and Paying the Price to Gain Christ

For us to have the excellency of the knowledge of Christ is by revelation, but for us to know Christ is by experience – we need to have an experiential knowledge of Christ, that is, know and enjoy Christ in an experiential way. Like Paul, we need to desire to live in the righteousness of […]
May we Hear the Lord’s Voice, Open the Door, Let Him in, Dine with Him, and Overcome!

In His concluding word to the church in Laodicea the Lord tells them that He’s outside the door, knocking, and if anyone hears the Lord’s voice and opens the door, He will come in to Him and will dine with Him, and he who overcomes will reign with Him on the throne just as He overcame […]