We need to take Christ as our person for the new man by letting Him make His home in our heart through faith. The apostle Paul was a pattern of taking Christ as his person for the one new man, for he allowed Christ to make His home in his heart and Christ was formed […]
Take Christ as our Person for the New Man by Letting Him make His Home in our Heart
The Best way to Shepherd People is to give them a Proper Pattern of Living Christ

The best way to shepherd people – as see in the New Testament – is to give them a proper pattern of living Christ and magnifying Him; Paul fed his spiritual children not only with the word of God but with his own living of Christ (see 1 Thes 2, 2 Cor. 1-2). Nowadays many […]
Paul was a Pattern of Living and Ministering Christ as the Spirit in his spirit

A picture is worth a thousand words, and as we read the New Testament we see how Paul was a pattern to us, the believers; he was a pattern of living and ministering Christ as the Spirit in his spirit for the building up of the Body of Christ. Paul enjoyed and experienced Christ, and […]
Paying more Attention to Life than to Work and Seeing how Paul was a Pattern in Shepherding

The Lord Jesus in His heavenly ministry is the Great Shepherd, the Shepherd of our souls, and in Acts 20 and 1 Thes. 2 we also see that Paul was a pattern of cooperating with Christ’s heavenly ministry to shepherd people for the building up of the Body of Christ. This week in our morning […]