As believers in Christ, we are God-men, and we have the divine right to participate in God’s divinity, that is, participate in God, for we are children of God having the life and nature of God. Wow, Hallelujah! This week in our morning revival we are enjoying the matter of, The God-men’s Divine Right […]
Believers are God-men, Born of God, having the Right to Participate in God’s Divinity
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, God's economy, His heart's desire, morning revival, our birthright, the Christian Life, the high peak, the Lord's recovery, the Word of God Tagged With: 2023 summer training, 2023STw10d1, become a God-man, believe into the Lord, believers are God-men, born of God, enjoy the divine nature, holy word for morning revival, Minoru Chen, partake of God's nature, participate in God's divinity, we are children of God, Witness Lee
We need to Enter into and Become Part of the Divine and Mystical Realm Today

The Lord’s desire is to gain the temple of God, the built up church that is the reality of the Body of Christ in all the local churches. For this to happen, however, we all need to enter into another realm, the divine and mystical realm. When the Lord Jesus was on earth, He was […]
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, God's economy, His heart's desire, morning revival, O Lord Jesus!, our birthright, the all-inclusive Christ, the Body of Christ, the Christian Life, the high peak, the Lord's recovery, the Triune God, the Word of God Tagged With: 2015 Thanksgiving Conference, become part of the divine and mystical realm, divine and mystical realm, enter the kingdom of God, holy word for morning revival, partake of God's nature, participate in God's divinity, the pneumatic Christ, the temple of God
Man is Becoming God through Transformation by Participating in God’s Divinity

The Bible as the complete and only divine revelation given by God to man is a wonderful book revealing us mainly one thing: the economy of God. If we human beings have our own “economy” (both personally and as families, households, cities, countries, etc), how much more does God have an economy! In His economy […]
Filed Under: Christ became the Spirit, Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, God became a man, God's economy, morning revival, our birthright, the Body of Christ, the Christian Life, the high peak, the Lord's recovery, the Triune God, the Word of God Tagged With: become God in life and nature, diamond in the Bible, God became man to make man God, God-man kind, holy word for morning revival, man becomes God, participate in God's divinity, participate in God's image, participate in God's life, the need for a new revival