From eternity past, Christ was preparing to carry out His “goings forth” from eternity into time, and God blessed us, the believers in Christ with the spiritual blessings in the heavenlies before the foundation of the world! Hallelujah! The Bible is a very special book; it tells us not only of the history of the […]
Seeing Christ’s Goings forth and how God Blessed us Before the Foundation of the World
Enjoy and Announce the Glad Tidings of the Triune God with all His Accomplishments

Psa. 68 reveals God’s victory in Christ as the center, typified by the Ark, and in the first part we see that we as His believers, the women staying at home, enjoy the spoil and preach the glad tidings, which is the Triune God with all His accomplishments. What is the connection between Psa. 68 […]
We Partake of the Divine Nature by Exercising our Spirit in Fellowship with the Lord

For us to live out and work out the New Jerusalem to build up Zion as the reality of the Body of Christ, we must partake of God the Father in His divine nature, as typified by the gold as the base of the holy city (2 Pet. 1:4; Rev. 21:21b). Whatever is ascribed to […]
Allowing Christ to Build Himself into our being for the Building up of the Church

For God to fulfill His eternal economy He needs to build Himself into our being by working Himself in Christ into us to be our life, our nature, and our constitution for the church as the one new man. Christ said that He will build His church (Matt. 16:18), and He does this not mainly […]
Being Saturated with God’s Holy Nature to have a Holy Living as God’s Holy People

In Leviticus God charged His people to have a holy living according to His holy nature; we as believers in Christ are God’s people, and we need to be saturated with God to be as holy as He is holy and thus live a holy life. Just as the people of Israel in the Old […]
Living out Christ (white garments) and Gaining the Anointing Spirit (eyesalve)

Christ is the One speaking to the church in Laodicea, and the solution to all their problems is Christ Himself as the gold – the precious divine nature, the white garments – living out Christ, and the eyesalve – Christ as the anointing Spirit who heals our blindness and give us insight and foresight. No […]
Experiencing the Redemption of Christ and the Manifestation of the Divine Nature

This week in our crystallization-study of Exodus we come to the eightfold significance of the tabernacle, and today in particular we want to see and experience the redemption of Christ as our base and standing, and we want to see and experience the manifestation of the divine nature in the church life. The book of […]