We are Becoming Partakers of the Divine Nature by Enjoying and Participating in it

We believers in Christ have received equally precious faith, and we should be partakers of the divine nature, enjoying and participating in the divine nature, and going along with the inclinations of the divine nature in our spirit. Amen! This week we come to the topic of, Partakers of the Divine Nature and the Development […]

Partake of the Triune God by the Hidden Man of the Heart with the Spirit of Glory

The central focus and basic structure of 1 and 2 Peter are the energizing Triune God operating in His economy to bring His chosen ones into the full enjoyment of the Triune God; we can partake of His riches as the Spirit of glory and the Spirit of Christ by means of the inner man […]

Being a Man of God with the Breath of God who is Fully Equipped for Every Good Work

The issue of God’s breathing Himself through the Scripture and our breathing in of God through our praying and reading the Word with the exercise of our spirit is that we become a man of God who is complete, fully equipped for every good work; we become a man of God with the breath of […]

The Development of the Excellent Virtues through the Enjoyment of the Divine Nature

In 2 Pet. 1:3-8 we have the development of the excellent virtues through the enjoyment of the divine nature; all things which relate to life and godliness are various aspects of the divine life, as typified by the riches of the produce of the good land. Hallelujah! The good land is a land of pomegranates, […]

Being Sanctified unto Sonship by Living in, by, with, and according to the Spirit

 Today we are being sanctified unto sonship by living in, by, and according to the Spirit. Our becoming God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead was initiated by God the Father in eternity past: He chose us to be holy and predestinated us unto sonship; the divine sanctification for the […]