The Lord Jesus as our dear Bridegroom is the joy set before us; for us to meet Him as His beautiful bride, there is the need for the beauty of the bride – we need to have Christ wrought into us to be expressed through us, for our beauty is the shining out of […]
Becoming the Lord’s Beautiful Bride by the Washing in the Word to Express Christ
Choose to Partake of Christ as the Tree of Life to be Constituted with Him for His Expression
![Jesus said to him, I am the way and the reality and the life John 14:6 ...I have come that they may have life and may have [it] abundantly. John 10:10b](
Our great God gives us freedom of choice: we can either partake of the tree of life or of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; when we take Christ as the tree of life, we enjoy Him and are constituted with Him, and we accomplish His eternal intention. Amen! This week […]
We Believers in Christ have the Privilege and Right to Enjoy Christ and Partake of Him

According to God’s ordination, we who have believed into Christ have been qualified and positioned to claim our right to enjoy Christ, and the all-inclusive Christ is our portion for us to enjoy in a rich way. Hallelujah! The Bible is truly an amazing book, presenting to us both the black background in the book […]
Exercising our Right to Enjoy Christ in our Spirit by Pursuing Christ to Gain Him

Like Ruth, we need to exercise our right to partake of the rich produce of Christ, the reality of the good land; we are part of God’s elect, we are joined to the Lord in our spirit, and we can pursue Christ to gain, possess, experience, and enjoy Him. Hallelujah! The book of Ruth is […]
In God’s Economy with His Dispensing we’re being Emptied to Receive only God as our Gain

The Bible speaks of only one thing: God’s eternal economy for the divine dispensing; yes, the Bible speaks about Christ and is focused on Christ, but in particular, the Bible speaks of Christ in God’s economy. When we come to the book of Job it is quite easy to focus on the sufferings he went […]