The oneness the Lord Jesus prayed for in John 17 is seen in picture in the tabernacle in Exo. 26 in three main steps: the three gold rings on the standing boards, the gold overlaying the boards, and the uniting bars that joined all the boards. The Lord prayed that we all may be one […]
Allowing the Uniting Spirit to Cross us and Join us to other Believers in the Body
It is only when we All are Transformed and Overlaid with God as Gold that are we one

As believers in Christ, we are in the process of transformation so that our natural being is transformed into the image of Christ, and God’s divine nature is constantly overlaying us until we become just like Christ; we’re being transformed and overlaid with God as gold until we’re fully one! The picture of the tabernacle […]
Oneness is a matter of Sinking Deeply into the Triune God until We’re Mingled with Him

It is quite interesting to see how the oneness in the Triune God is typified by the oneness as seen in the tabernacle in Exodus 26, especially in the gold overlaying the standing boards and causing them to be one – this shows us that oneness is nothing else but sinking deeply into the Triune […]
Being Perfected into One by Gaining More God as Gold: Oneness is in the Triune God!

Genuine oneness is not mere unity – oneness is a matter of sinking deeply into the Triune God until we are fully overlaid with Him as gold; our problem is that we are short of God, and our need is to gain more God as gold so that we may be perfected into one for […]
Being Overlaid with God as Gold to Practically Keep the Oneness of the Spirit

The Lord Jesus prayed for the oneness in John 17, and in Exodus 26 with the tabernacle, we can see a picture, a type of this oneness, in the standing boards of the tabernacle which were overlaid with gold; we need to be overlaid with God as gold, for us to be one practically and […]