In the Bible there is a very simple and at the same time very powerful principle related to the church: one city, one church – within one city there is only one local church. In the early days, the believers practiced it all the time – the practice of the church life after the Pentecost […]
standing on the unique ground of the church for the Lord to gain His overcomers
the situation of the overcomers in Zion, the place where God is fully at rest

Psalm 132 is the praise of David in his going up to Zion concerning Jehovah’s habitation and rest in Zion. God desires Zion and He finds rest here, and David also desires God’s dwelling place! The place of God’s rest is Zion, the overcomers. There must be brothers and sisters in whose being Christ Himself […]
reaching the high peak of living in the reality of the Body of Christ by praying

What will bring the Lord back is a group of overcomers who live in the reality of the Body of Christ – they live a reproduction and a duplication of the life that the Lord Jesus lived when He was on earth. But where is such a living today on the earth? We can safely […]
being the overcomers in the church for God to obtain Zion, His heart’s desire!

The Lord’s desire today is to obtain the Zion in Jerusalem, the overcomers in the churches, those who are ripened earlier for His satisfaction, those who will bring Him back. The Lord said He will return soon, but it has been over 2000 years since He ascended to the Father – why has He not […]