The ultimate move of God today is to have Christ enter into us to be our life so that we may become His living members as His Body, the fullness of the One who fills all in all; we need to cooperate with God’s ultimate move. We need to know what age we are in, […]
Being Faithful to Cooperate with God’s Ultimate Move by Standing for the Recovery
We need to Follow the Lamb wherever He may go and be Faithful to Him until the End

If we would fulfill the ultimate responsibility in God’s ultimate move, we need to follow the Lamb wherever He may go, seeking His leading and following Him on the journey ordained by Him, faithfully walking on it and being one with Him. On the one hand, Christ is the One enthroned in the heavens as […]
The Spreading of the Lord’s Recovery is Part of our Ultimate Responsibility Today

God has an ultimate move, which is His ultimate recovery, and we have an ultimate responsibility, which is to spread the testimony of Jesus by establishing local churches as golden lampstands; the spreading of the Lord’s recovery is part of our ultimate responsibility. First of all, our ultimate responsibility is to be saturated and permeated […]
Our Ultimate Responsibility is to Bear the Testimony of Jesus for His Expression

In the church life today we need to bear the ultimate responsibility related to God’s ultimate move on earth to first be saturated and permeated with Christ for the church as the Body of Christ, and second to bear the testimony of Jesus. God’s move today is toward Europe, and He wants to gain many […]
Our Ultimate Responsibility is to be Saturated with Christ to Live Christ for the Body

We need to know this age and the present truth and see a vision of God’s sovereignty, the world’s ultimate situation, and God’s ultimate recovery in order to fulfill our ultimate responsibility in God’s ultimate move by honoring the Lord as the Head and being balanced by the Body to be kept in its unique […]