In the blueprint of God’s original intention, man is the center of the entire universe, and the center of man is in his spirit; man has a spirit to contact God, enjoy God, receive God, and be one with God, and as believers in Christ, our spirit has been reinforced with the vivifying, sevenfold intensified […]
God is Spirit and we have a spirit to Contact God, Enjoy God, and be One with God
Love the Lord in Incorruptibility by Loving Him in the New Creation, in the Spirit

For the proper church life we need to love the Lord in incorruptibility, that is, we need to love Him in the new creation (not in the old creation), in our regenerated and renewed spirit indwelt by the Holy Spirit, and according to all the incorruptible things related to Christ and the church. Eph. […]
We need to Live in our Spirit by Denying Ourselves and Taking Christ as our Person

If we realise that Christ is our person in our inner man, we will be those taking Christ as our person to live in our spirit in and for the church life today. When we believed into the Lord Jesus and received Him as our Lord and Savior, He came into us not only as […]
Our Regenerated Spirit is our Inner Man with the Indwelling Christ as its Person

In and for the church life, we all need to take Christ as our person; He came into our spirit as life, and now our regenerated spirit as the inner man is our real person. Before we can take Christ as our person in and for the church life we need to realise that Christ […]
Serving God in our Spirit in the Gospel of His Son, the Subjective Gospel of Christ

This morning while enjoying the Lord in His word with the help of the ministry of the age I was touched with the fact that our priesthood of the gospel is a matter in our mingled spirit. Paul told us that God is his witness how he serves God as a priest in his spirit […]
The Secret of God’s Salvation: the Consummated Spirit with our Regenerated Spirit

Christ today is the life-giving Spirit, the Spirit of reality, coming to us to reach us, touch us, unite Himself with us, saturate us, mingle us with Himself, fill us, constitute us, and build us up into His habitation (see 2 Cor. 3:17; 1 Cor. 15:45). The Spirit is not “a power” or “a ghost”, […]
we can know the True One with our regenerated spirit and with our mind enlightened by the Spirit
It is God’s deepest desire that His people would know Him and enjoy Him. We need to pursue to know this One who is The True One. By the exercise of our regenerated spirit mingled with the Spirit of reality, our mind is enlightened that we may know God, enjoy God, and experience God. This is the eternal life – that we may know Him, the only true God, and the One He has sent [continue reading]