Actually, the first believers / disciples were recognized by their calling on the name of the Lord Jesus – that’s how Paul, when he was Saul, would find them and then imprison them. This practice of calling on the name of the Lord is not something new or invented by someone, but it is a […]
calling on the name of the Lord is our daily Christian practice, and it is so normal
Jesus is the name above all names, Jesus is a saving name! Lord Jesus!

This morning I was enjoying the portion in Philippians 2:9-11, 9. Therefore also God highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, 10. That in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11. And every […]
our work is actually our living, and we live to magnify Christ!
These days, whenever someone speaks about working for the Lord, everyone thinks of a great work, something he does in a special way in a special time set apart for this, etc. The phrase “working for the Lord” has been so spoiled from what the Bible says about it. Paul says in Phil. 1:22, But […]
being vital takes time; we need the endurance of hope that we may go on daily
Even though Paul was in prison, he still labored and struggled for all the believers whom he brought to the Lord or shepherded while he visited their respective city. In Col. 2:1 he says For I want you to know how great a struggle I have for you and for those in Laodicea, even all […]
just as in Paul’s case, it should matter to the church whether we live or die
Paul was a normal Christian: one who lived Christ, magnified Christ, ministered Christ, and infused Christ into others. Whether he was travelling and preaching the gospel/strengthening the saints/the churches, or whether he was in prison: he simply magnified the Lord Jesus Christ (Phil. 1:20)! In all he did/said the others saw Christ living in him […]
our gospel preaching must be our living, and this should be normal
The Lord’s commission in Matt. 28:19 is to go into all the world and disciple all the nations; His promise in Acts 1:8 about the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples also says that “you will be My witnesses both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and unto the uttermost part […]
our Christian life is a life of preaching the gospel by loving one another
Until the Lord comes, since we are saved, we preach the gospel through our living, our attitude, our words – our very Christian life is a preaching of the gospel. Actually, according to Paul’s word in Phil 1:5-6, it is Christ who does this good work of preaching the gospel. Christ preaches the gospel in […]