Our experience of Christ is a mystery, for God, Christ, and the church are a mystery, so we ourselves are a mystery; our Christian living is a mystery, and it should be normal for us to magnify Christ, that is, express Him without limitation. We are now starting a new topic in our morning revival […]
Our Experience of Christ is a Mystery: we Magnify Christ to Express Him without Limitation
We need to be Wise in Sharing the Truth or our Experience of Christ with Others

As kingdom people we need to be wise in sharing the truth or our experience of Christ with others. In dealing with people and caring for them we need to live and behave as kingdom people, and we should not give that which is holy to the dogs or cast our pearls before the hogs; […]
We need to Experience and Enjoy Christ with His Humanity for the Building of God

If you read Ezekiel 40-48 and have the Lord’s divine light shining in your reading, you will realize that we have to experience and enjoy Christ for the Body in a detailed and specific way, as shown in all the features and details of the holy building of God. From the wall to all the […]
the desire of God’s heart is His building: we are on a journey to see and become God’s building!
Hallelujah for the types, figures, and pictures in the Old Testament! They are all showing us in detail how our experience of Christ for the church is, and even the failures of the Old Testament seeking saints / the people of Israel are a type of how we also fail + go on in our […]
After the blowing as the North Wind, God the Spirit covers us and broods over us

Our normal experience of Christ always starts with a “stormy wind” – as Ezekiel 1:1 says. God as the Spirit blows upon us to wake us up, to move us to repent of our sins, to turn to God, to believe in the Lord Jesus, to give up the world and anything else to follow […]