We need to have a new beginning with the Lord every day to “gather the manna”, that is, to enjoy the Lord in a fresh and new way to feed on Him and be nourished with Him in His Word. In the Old Testament – and actually in the entire Bible – the manna was […]
Having a New Beginning every Morning by Contacting the Lord in His word to Eat Him
Eating Christ as our Unique Food Displaces the Flesh and Reconstitutes us with Christ

By giving His people only manna to eat in the wilderness, God dealt with their flesh and at the same time reconstituted them with the heavenly food; by eating Christ as the unique heavenly food, our flesh is dealt with and displaced, and we are reconstituted with Christ to become the dwelling place of God. […]
Ten Major Items on how to Possess the All-inclusive Christ Typified by the Good Land

Hallelujah, we can possess the all-inclusive Christ as typified by the good land! This week in our morning revival we come back to the Crystallization-Study of Numbers, the second part, and our focus is, A vital sketch of the divine revelation in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers concerning God’s economy with His chosen […]
The Christ we Eat, Enjoy, Digest, and Assimilate today will be an Eternal Memorial

God supplied His people Israel with manna every day during their journey through the wilderness; every morning the manna descended from heavens, and the children of Israel had to gather enough for one day. How wonderful it was to eat heavenly food day by day! Furthermore, God commanded His people to take an omerful of […]
We need to See and Experience the Characteristics of Christ as our Daily Manna

When we read the book of Exodus we may have a high appreciation for God delivering His people out of Egypt, the changing of bitter water into sweet, the law was given at Mount Sinai, etc but we may not appreciate the manna too much. But throughout their journey in the wilderness toward the good […]