four things covered in Joel: chastisement, judgement, Christ, and restoration!

The book of Joel is a small book, having only three chapters, but it covers a lot of things. In this short book we can find the four things the Bible and all the Minor Prophets cover – God’s chastisement of His chosen people Israel, God’s punishment of the nations, the manifestation of Christ, and […]

we have an organic union with our evergreen, fresh, and forever new God!

The genuine believers in Christ do not live for themselves, trying their best to better themselves to become good people to be appreciated by others. Rather, the genuine believers produce satisfying fruit and cheering drink for others to be happy and to enjoy the Lord. There’s an overflow of the divine life which they daily […]

being identified with Christ to dwell in God and see the extension of our days

There are so many wonderful things that we enjoy when we are in this sweet identification with Christ! Psalm 91 speaks of Christ, the One who lived a life fully one with the Father and took God as His dwelling place. In identification with Christ, we also are under the keeping care of the angels, and we tread upon the enemy Satan (see Psa. 91:11-13 and Matt. 4:6). The way we defeat Satan, the serpent that poisons God’s people and the lion that devours God’s people is by being identified with Christ! In Christ we overcome the enemy and we tread upon his head. [read more online]

the highest and fullest experience of God is taking God as our dwelling place

Enosh called on the name of Jehovah, Enoch walked with God, Abraham had a meal with God, and David cared for God’s heart to build the house of God, but no one except Moses could utter such a statement, Jehovah, You have been our dwelling place in all generations. The God Enosh called on, Enoch walked with, Abraham had a meal with, and David built a house for – is actually our dwelling place! Calling on the Lord, walking with Him, having a meal with Him, and building a house for God are very good experiences, but the fullest experience and the highest experience of God is dwelling in God! [continue reading online about the Highest and Fullest Experience of God – taking God as our habitation, our dwelling place!]

man cannot be justified out of works of law but out of faith in Christ, in the organic union!

It is so easy to have a low appreciation and view of the truth of the gospel in its basic principle of the justification by faith. We are fallen in our concept, our way of thinking, even in this respect. We need to have an uplifted view of justification by faith – to be justified by faith in Christ, we need to believe into the Lord Jesus out of an appreciation of His preciousness! The speaking of the gospel brings us into a sweet appreciation of the Lord, and we believe into Him! When we call on His name, we are regenerated and we are organically one with Him! In this organic union, God MUST reckon Christ as our righteousness! [continue reading online + comment with your enjoyment of today’s morning revival]

one week training in Bower House – we need to grow in life unto maturity to be useful

I recently attended a one-week training that was held in Bower House and I can say that it was the most memorable week in my life. Some are dreading to go to training but in my case it was different. Months before the much awaited week I was already so excited about it [read more online from the top enjoyment of a sister who recently went to the One Week Training in Bower House]

we are becoming the tree of life by being grafted into God and by living a grafted life!

We are not becoming “THE TREE OF LIFE” just as we are not becoming God in His Godhead, but by being grafted into Christ and as branches in the vine, we are part of the tree of life! When we are grafted into Christ, His divine life fills our human life, mingles with our human life, and spontaneously enriches, uplifts, and transforms our human life. In His economy God dispenses His divine life and element into us to mingle Himself with us and make us the same as He is. Now we are branches of the tree of life – and wherever we are, the tree of life is reaching out to others to minister life to them! [continue reading online]