We thank the Lord that the vision He gave us in His present recovery is the all-inclusive vision of God’s eternal economy with its ultimate consummation – the vision of the New Jerusalem. In our daily living we can live out the New Jerusalem to become the New Jerusalem, and we can work out the […]
Seeing a Vision of the New Jerusalem and Living out and Working out the New Jerusalem
The Lord’s Recovery is for the Producing of the Overcomers, the Bride of Christ

The issue of the completion of God’s New Testament economy is the marriage of the Lamb, and the Lord’s recovery is for the preparation of the bride of Christ, who is composed of all His overcomers. This week in our morning revival, the last week on the general topic of, A Timely Word concerning the […]
As Levites we Handle Christ and as Priests we Minister Him with His Riches to Others

As believers in Christ we are priests to God and our full-time job is to handle Christ (as the priests handled the items of the tabernacle) and the church, and to minister Christ in all His rich aspects to people. The book of Numbers is a book of service, and this service is a holy […]
The Church is the issue of the Enjoyment of the Riches of Christ as the Good Land

The holy temple and the holy city were built on and were the issue of the holy land, showing that the church is the issue of the enjoyment of the riches of Christ. The last two chapters of Ezekiel speak a lot concerning the holy land – not merely of the holy city or the […]
Exercising our Spirit to Learn, Experience, and Minister the Full Gospel of God

As believers in Christ, we need to have the same realisation as the Apostle Paul: we were separated unto the gospel of God, and now we are priests of the gospel. The gospel of God is an all-inclusive, complete, full, and high gospel including the entire divine revelation in the New Testament, and when we […]
Having a Clear View of Paul’s Gospel – the Gospel according to Paul in Romans

As believers in Christ we need to enter into the contents and essence of the Gospel; we need to know what the gospel is, and through such an entering in, we would receive a commission to preach the gospel. Many people know that there are four gospels, but not many know that Paul has a […]
The Altar of Burnt Offering and the Incense Altar are for Carrying out God’s Economy

After seeing the high revelation and the deep meaning of the golden incense altar, the “heart” of the tabernacle in the most holy sense, we now want to see more concerning the other altar, the altar of burnt offering. The incense altar is in the tabernacle, while the altar of burnt offering is in the […]