What an amazing fact it is that the One who lived the life of a God-man is now the Spirit living in us and through us, and we simply need to open to Him, love Him, be joined to Him as one, and He will fill us, possess us, and live out in us the […]
We should Live a God-man Life to Live the Glory of Divinity and the Virtues of Humanity
Setting Time to Fellowship with God Daily to Enjoy Him and Be Satisfied with Him

As believers in Christ, we need to have set times to fellowship with God, rise up early in the morning to touch Him in our time with Him, draw near to Him, enjoy Him, and absorb Him; before we can do any work with God and for God, we need to keep God’s Sabbath by […]
Find the Lord’s Words and Eat Them: the Words the Lord speaks to us are Spirit and Life

The Word of God, the Bible, is our divine supply to be our food; the Bible is God’s speaking, the word that proceeds out of is mouth, it is the embodiment of God in Christ as the Spirit, and the words spoken to us by the Lord are spirit and life. This week we come […]
We Open to the Lord, Love Him, and Let Him Work in us to Live the God-man life in us

How wonderful it is when we open to the Lord, learn to love Him, and let Him work in us to live the God-man life in us daily! Our Christian life is not a life of doing things for the Lord but rather loving Him, opening to Him, allowing Him to work in us, and […]
Learning to Enjoy Christ as our Peace Offering by Speaking with the Lord Constantly

We need to learn to enjoy Christ as our peace offering; we are joined to the Lord, even one spirit with Him, and in this organic union we tell Him everything, and as we open to Him, His peace guards our heart. Christ Himself is the peace between God and us, His people, for our […]
Being Saved in Life to Reign in Life by being under the Ruling of the Divine Life

In His complete salvation, God wants for us to reign in life by the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness (Rom. 5:17, 21); He doesn’t merely want to save us and bring us into heaven, but for us to reign in life by being under the rule of the divine life daily. […]
Judging Ourselves as Nothing: we are what we are by the Grace of God for God’s Building

In our review and enjoyment of the intrinsic significance of the materials of the temple, we have seen that both in the tabernacle and in the temple gold overlays wood, that is, God is mingled with man. The building of God, God’s temple, is a matter of God being mingled with man; God’s building is […]