What God wants from us is that we are an open vessel; He doesn’t want us to do this or that for Him but that we would be open vessels to Him so that He can fill us, live in us, and be expressed through us. Amen! We believers in Christ are vessels of […]
Since God Wants an Open Vessel, we Love Him and Always Keep our Vessel Open to Him
Cleanse Ourselves from Unrighteousness and being Living Vessels Open to the Lord

In 2 Tim. 2:20-21 Paul speaks of honorable and disohonorable vessels; we believers in Christ need to cleanse ourselves from unrighteousness and any dishonorable vessel and we need to simply be living vessels open to the Lord for what He wants to do in us today. Amen! This week we come to a new topic […]
We need to Love the Lord and Keep Ourselves Open to Him, Praying to Stop our Doing

A genuine Christian life is one that loves the Lord and keeps itself open to the Lord and stops its doing; we simply need to love the Lord and keep ourselves open to Him, and we need to stop our doing so that He would do everything that He wants to do. When we […]
We need to be an Open Vessel Loving the Lord and Letting Him Dispense Himself into us

God created us as living vessels with a mind, emotion, and will, and He desires that we be open vessels in an active-passive way: an open vessel to the Lord loving Him but not being eager to do things for Him but letting Him do everything in us. God created us not to be […]
Taking Heed to the Prophetic Word in the Bible until the Morning Star Rises within us

If we as believers in Christ take heed to the word of prophecy – the prophetic word in the Bible – then the day will dawn within us, and the morning star will rise in our hearts (2 Peter 1:19). After seeing the many negative things in the church in Thyatira – the apostate church, the […]
Six Simple Ways to Cooperate with Christ’s Goings Forth in Our Being

Christ’s goings forth are from eternity (Micah 2:5) and onto the bridge of time (John 1:1, 14), and eventually He will go forth with all His believers into eternity forever (John 1:51). If you look at the history of man, you will see how Christ came out of eternity into time through incarnation, how He […]
Lord, cause the desire of Your heart to become the desire of my heart! Make me an overcomer!
We are not yet overcomers – Paul could say only at the end of his life that he is ready to receive the crown – but we can receive from the Lord an aspiration to be an overcomer, and we can pray for the Lord to produce us as overcomers! The overcomers are for the building up of the Body of Christ! They don’t overcome only in their personal life matters such as their temper, the besetting sin, etc – they meet the Lord’s need to be the ones who are willing to be produced by the Lord as the sevenfold intensified Spirit, who give themselves for the building up of the Body of Christ as the reality in the churches! [sharing inspired from message 9 give by brother Ron Kangas in the Crystallization-Study of Psalms(2)]