For us to be in one accord means that there’s harmony in our inner being, in our mind and will; to be in one accord is to be in harmony, having the same mind and the same will with the same purpose around and within our soul and heart. Being in one accord involves not […]
One Accord: Having Harmony in our Inner Being and Harmony of Inward Feeling among us
When Christ’s Peace Arbitrates in us, we have God’s Speaking and His Word Dwells in us

For the living of the one new man we need to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly so that we have God’s speaking. When the peace of Christ arbitrates in us and keeps us in a situation full of oneness and harmony, we become the place of God’s speaking, His oracle (Col. […]
Being Built up with Fellow Believers is the Lord’s Supreme Requirement of His Seekers

Being built up with fellow believers is the Lord’s supreme and highest requirement of His faithful seekers according to His top divine attribute – the divine oneness (see John 17). The bride of Christ is not an individual spiritual Christian but a corporate entity, a building up of the believers who pursue Christ, enjoy Him, […]
A Built-up Church Has the Presence of God – God’s Presence is Everything to us

After seeing that God’s desire and His focus today is to build up the church for the preparation and bringing in of the New Jerusalem, we need to continue to see the conditions of a built-up church today as depicted by the conditions of the New Jerusalem. The church is the miniature of the New […]