The Bible reveals that the one new man is a corporate, universal man, that takes Christ as its person; we all need to take Christ as our person for the church as the one new man. Amen! Christ is not only our life; He is also our person. We believers in Christ are complicated […]
We need to Daily Take Christ as our Person for the Church as the One New Man
Because we’re Not Absolutely for God, we need to take Christ as our Burnt Offering

Because we are not absolutely for God, we need Christ as the burnt offering; only Christ lived a life absolutely for God, and this One is acceptable and pleasing to God, and as such a One He is in us to be our life enabling us to live the same kind of life today. […]
We are Fired and Replaced by Christ – Now we Live one with Him and He Lives in us!

As those who aspire to be the Lord’s overcomers today, the church of brotherly love, we need to realize that we have been fired and replaced with Christ, and today we live in an organic union with the Lord in which it is no longer us who live but Christ who lives in us. […]
Growing into a Temple in the Lord and being Built as a Dwelling Place of God in Spirit

As believers in Christ and members of the Body of Christ, we are being built together into a dwelling place of God in spirit to be the holy temple in the Lord, the temple of God; we are His dwelling place and He is our dwelling place. There are many aspects of the church […]
As those Grafted into Christ, we should Live a Grafted Life in the Mingled Spirit

As believers in Christ, we have been grafted into Christ as the tree of life, and this grafting has made us one with Him; on His side, He went through a process to be ready to be grafted, and on our side, we also went through a process to be grafted into Him. Hallelujah! […]
God and Man can be Grafted together and become One in an Organic Union, a Grafted Life

The relationship God desires to have with man is that He and man be grafted together and thus become one in an organic union; this is possible because man was created in God’s image and likeness, so the human life resembles the divine life. Wow, Hallelujah! The desire of God’s heart, as revealed in […]
The Relationship God desires to have with man is that God and Man become One!

The Bible reveals that the relationship God desires to have with man is that God and man become one; He wants to be one with man and make man one with God for Him to gain an organism, the Body of Christ, to express Him on earth. Amen! This week in our morning revival […]