As we prayerfully consider what it means for us to live a grafted life, we need to realize that in grafting two similar lives are joined and then grow together; our human life was made in the image of God and according to His likeness, so we can be joined to the ord and grow […]
The Human Life and the Divine Life can be Grafted Together: we’re One Spirit with God
God is Spirit and we have a spirit to Contact God, Enjoy God, and be One with God

In the blueprint of God’s original intention, man is the center of the entire universe, and the center of man is in his spirit; man has a spirit to contact God, enjoy God, receive God, and be one with God, and as believers in Christ, our spirit has been reinforced with the vivifying, sevenfold intensified […]
Seeing that God’s Marvellous Transformations are for God’s Move in Man to Deify Man

The most marvellous and all-inclusive transformations of the eternal Triune God in His becoming a man are God’s move in man for the accomplishment of His eternal economy; today we need to move in God’s move and have God’s move in our move. Amen! May the Lord have a way to shine on the […]
Our being in the Name of the Lord Jesus Involves our Oneness with the Divine Trinity

The Gospel of John reveals that our being in the name of the Lord Jesus involves the Divine Trinity, in particular, our oneness with God and doing everything in Him. Doing all things in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ is a great and high matter, for it is the culmination of all […]
In the Divine Romance we become One with God to be His Dwelling Place and City

In the divine romance, we become one with God to be His dwelling place and city for His corporate expression. As those who love the Lord and pursue after Him in love, we need to become mature in the life of Christ and be built up as God’s house and His city, and we […]
Set our Entire Being Absolutely on the Lord to Love Him and Become His Duplication

We need to set our entire being absolutely on the Lord to be transformed into His image and become His duplication, the Shulammite, consummating in the New Jerusalem as the bride of Christ. When we love God, we set our entire being on Him, we are occupied by Him and lost in Him, and […]
One with God, Live God, Move with God, and Represent God to Function as the Acting God

As believers in Christ who have been chosen, redeemed and regenerated by God, we are one with God, constituted with God, live God, express God, move with God, and represent God so that we may function as the acting God. Amen! It is not only Paul that could be the acting God but also […]