There are so many wonderful things that we enjoy when we are in this sweet identification with Christ! Psalm 91 speaks of Christ, the One who lived a life fully one with the Father and took God as His dwelling place. In identification with Christ, we also are under the keeping care of the angels, and we tread upon the enemy Satan (see Psa. 91:11-13 and Matt. 4:6). The way we defeat Satan, the serpent that poisons God’s people and the lion that devours God’s people is by being identified with Christ! In Christ we overcome the enemy and we tread upon his head. [read more online]
being identified with Christ to dwell in God and see the extension of our days
becoming the reproduction of Christ as the meal offering church life today
We are slowly and surely becoming the reproduction of Jesus Christ as the corporate meal offering church life! The genuine church today is nothing else but the corporate living of the believers in Christ who are the reproduction and duplication of Christ – it is Jesus living again in His believers. We are imitating Christ in His life by eating Christ and becoming Christ’s reproduction organically. We all are learning to deny ourselves, remaining in Christ’s death, living under the cross, by the power of Christ’s resurrection. When an unbeliever comes in and sees this, he senses that God is among us! Wow, the corporate God-man living, the reproduction of Christ as the meal-offering church life! [continue reading online]
letting the mind of Christ saturate our mind and living in the index of the Lord’s eyes
“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus…” (Phil. 2:5) – Christ had a certain frame of mind, a mind of His own, and this mind needs to become our mind. As believers in Christ, we have Christ in our spirit as the indwelling Christ living in us – but we […]
Christ is housing Himself in our heart and we become one with Christ in His inward parts
“God the Father is exercising His authority through God the Spirit to strengthen us into the inner man that God the Son may make His home deep down in our hearts” (quote from God’s New Testament Economy) – this is what happens in Eph. 3:16. Some believers may say only that Christ is in the […]
what is in God’s heart for His people and what should our honest response be today
These days we started going through the Crystallization-Study of Isaiah (2), in the video training, and so here are some “gleanings” of what I enjoyed in the watching of the first message, entitled, Announcing the all-inclusive Christ, Jehovah the Savior, as the Glad Tidings. I was especially impressed in the opening word with this question […]
to the only wise God through Jesus Christ – to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen!
The book of Romans ends in a glorious way – with the verse in Rom. 16:27, which says, To the only wise God through Jesus Christ, to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen. Wow, what a conclusion! Though the book of Romans gives a general discussion on the Christian life, the conclusion of […]
the all-inclusive Christ becoming everything in God’s economy – by replacing us with Christ!

In message 9 of the Crystallization study of Isaiah (1) entitled “The All-Inclusive Christ becoming everything in God’s economy” I was impressed with the fact that – even though for God Christ is everything in His economy, for us personally we need to have Christ as our everything, until “Christ is all and in all”. […]