The practical way for us to live Christ in our daily life is to walk according to the spirit, that is, to live in the mingled spirit and walk according to the mingled spirit. In a sense, we believers in Christ have only one all-inclusive command or task, which is to walk according to the […]
The Practical Way for us to live Christ is to daily Walk According to the Spirit
The Life of Christ has become our Life – Christ is our Life to be Experienced by us

The life of God is the life of Christ, the life of Christ has come into us and become our life, and Christ is our life; because Christ is our life, we can experience Christ as life for the living of the one new man. We as believers in Christ have become one with Christ […]
Seeing that we have the same Position with Christ when we’re in the Mingled Spirit

According to Col. 3:1-4 we as believers in Christ have the same position with Christ, and we have one life, one living, one destiny, and one glory with Christ; this all is real by means of the divine transmission in our spirit. The book of Colossians reveals the highest aspect of the church – the […]
Learning to Enjoy Christ as our Peace Offering by Speaking with the Lord Constantly

We need to learn to enjoy Christ as our peace offering; we are joined to the Lord, even one spirit with Him, and in this organic union we tell Him everything, and as we open to Him, His peace guards our heart. Christ Himself is the peace between God and us, His people, for our […]
The Church Life is a Corporate Meal Offering for God’s Satisfaction and Man’s Supply

Christ is the meal offering, and as we eat Him, we become His reproduction and have His God-man living to be the meal offering, and the church life as the corporate living by the perfected God-men becomes the corporate meal offering. Our need today is to eat Christ as the meal offering by exercising our […]
Fellowship means we are One Spirit with the Lord: we Enjoy Him and Keep the Oneness

We have been called into the fellowship of the Son of God (1 Cor. 1:9), that is, we have been called to be one spirit with the Lord and with the saints to enjoy all that Christ is and enjoy all that He is in the saints. The word fellowship is very much used among […]
God has Called us into the Fellowship of His Son, the Participation in Christ

Fellowship is the reality of the church life, for God has called us into the fellowship of His Son – He called us into the participation in Christ, the all-inclusive One. Our God is faithful – He called us into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord (1 Cor. 1:9). This fellowship is […]