The Gospel of John reveals the subjective truth concerning the church, showing us the constituents of the church and the existence of the church in many pictures and types. Although the word church is not specifically used in the Gospel of John, the church is referred to in seven ways: the church is the many […]
Seeing the Subjective Truth concerning the Church unveiled in the Gospel of John
We need to Enjoy Christ as the Good Shepherd and the Great Shepherd of the Sheep

Christ is the good Shepherd who came that we may have life and have it abundantly, and He is the great Shepherd of the sheep making sure we enjoy all the bequests of the new covenant. How we love our dear Lord Jesus, the Shepherd according to God’s heart, who is both the good Shepherd, […]
God will Recover and Restore His People to Himself: He will Turn them from Captivity

It is so encouraging and uplifting to read God’s promises to recover and restore His people, and to realize that He wants to bring us into the enjoyment of Christ as everything to God and to man so that we may be His people, the church, the Body of Christ! The people of Israel are […]
We need to Shepherd People according to the Pattern of the Lord Jesus for the Church

We need to shepherd people according to the pattern of the Lord Jesus in His ministry for the carrying out of God’s eternal economy. The Lord Jesus came to seek and save that which is lost, and He did so by shepherding us. The New Testament shows us the saving love and tender care of […]
The Lord Flocks us Together, Shepherds us, and Commissions us to Shepherd Others

The Lord Jesus Christ as the good Shepherd has formed the Jewish believers and the Gentile believers into one flock – the one church, the Body of Christ. God became a man and put on human nature, and He laid down His human life so that His sheep would receive and live by His divine […]
Christ Shepherds us by Being our Life and by Living in us; He Guides us into His Flock

The Lord Jesus is the good Shepherd, and He shepherds us by feeding us with Himself and in Himself as the pasture (see John 10:9-10). There are other shepherds, that’s true, but the Lord is the good Shepherd. He takes an all-inclusive tender care of His believers as His sheep. On the cross He tore […]