As the Body of Christ, the church has Christ as its life; as the one new man, the church has Christ as its person. In order for us to be in reality the Body of Christ, we need to take Christ as our life and live by Him to live Him out. In order to […]
Taking Christ as our Person for the New Man to Speak the Same Thing in One Accord
We Need to Practice the Church Life by Being Church-Conscious and Body-Conscious

All believers in Christ need to grow in life, be transformed, be matured, and arrive at a full-grown man for the fulfillment of God’s purpose. One of the most practical ways for our daily life to arrive at a full-grown man is to practice the church life in the consciousness of the one new man […]
the fulfillment of the Lord’s prayer concerning glorification in John 17

The Lord’s prayer in John 17 is the highest and the deepest prayer in the Bible, and it is also very mysterious. He prayed for the Father to glorify Him that He may glorify the Father, and then later He prayed a lot about oneness – the oneness of the Triune God to be enlarged […]
Jesus was glorified in His resurrection for the glorification of the Father

John 17 is the Lord’s prayer as the conclusion of His speaking in chapters 14 through 16. The basic concept, the central point, and the subject of the Lord’s prayer in John 17 is glorification – the Father would glorify the Son so that the Son would glorify the Father, and the believers would be […]
spiritual principles for fighting the spiritual warfare: fight the battle in the Body and through the Word!
In the previous article entitled “we need to pass through Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho, and the river Jordan – for the new creation!” we saw that there are four main stations we need to pass through so that we may be completely OUT of the old creation and into the new creation. One of these stations is […]
being diligent to keep the oneness of the Spirit in the uniting bond of peace

Before we believed in the Lord and also whenever we are in ourselves, we are not ONE and we cannot be one! But after we were regenerated, in the divine life we received we have the ONENESS of the Spirit! It’s all in the divine life! All we have to do is to “keep the […]
The Lord’s Recovery is the Recovery of the Unique Oneness of the Body of Christ

The nature of God is oneness, and everything He does / everything that has its source in God bears the mark of oneness. God does everything according to His nature of oneness – He created one corporate man (Adam), He called one person (Abraham), and in the New Testament He has only one Body of […]