For us to have the recovery of the church as the house of God, we need to have the recovery of the altar, and we need to offer everything on the altar for God’s interests and for His satisfaction. This week we come to the third main crystal in the books of 1 and […]
The Recovery of the Altar: Offering Everything to the Lord for His Satisfaction
We need to Recover the Genuine Ground of Oneness for the Building up of the Church

Because of the apostasy throughout Christendom, because of the high places and the divisions that are in Christendom today, there is the need for the recovery of the genuine ground of oneness, which is composed of the unique oneness of the universal Body of Christ, the unique ground of the locality, and the reality […]
Enjoy the Grace of Life with the Saints and the All-sufficient Grace in our Sufferings

We experience the processed Triune God as the grace of life in meeting with the saints on the ground of oneness, and we can experience Him as our increasing and all-sufficient grace in the midst of trials and sufferings. Hallelujah for the grace of God, so all-sufficient, abounding, and rich! Grace in its highest […]
We need to be Saved from doing what is Right in our own Eyes by Taking God’s Choice

Because there was no king in Israel during the time of the judges, the children of Israel did what was right in their own eyes, and as a result, they became rotten and corrupted; when we do what is right in our own eyes and not in God’s eyes, the result is degradation, rottenness, and […]
Keeping the Unique Oneness of the Body of Christ on the Unique Ground of Locality

In order for us to know the church, we must first recognize the ground of the church. The one unique foundation of the church is Christ Himself, and no other foundation can anyone lay besides Christ, but the ground of the church is the practice of the oneness of the universal Body of Christ on […]
being anointed and graced as we remain the church life on the ground of oneness

The oneness which the believers have in the Body of Christ is not a man-made oneness and is not produced by adding the believers together for a common purpose. Rather, the oneness the believers have in the Body is the processed Triune God as the Spirit applied to their being. Such a oneness is organic […]
the saints’ living together in oneness in the church life is blessed by God

This week we are enjoying the wonderful Psalm 133 concerning the Lord’s commanded blessing on the brothers dwelling in oneness. Our church life is not an individual life but a corporate life, a collective life, and our experience of the church life has at least four aspects: it is a corporate experience, an ascending experience, […]