Whenever we come together to meet with the saints, regardless of what kind of meeting we are having, we should come with the Christ experienced by us as the surplus to be offered to God and exhibited by us; for this, we need to contact the Lord daily and bring a surplus of Christ to […]
Enjoying the Lord in our Daily Life and Meeting to Exhibit the Christ we Experienced
Enjoying the Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity to be the Nazarites of Today

The Divine Trinity is revealed in the separation of the Nazarite in Num. 6, for it is only when we enjoy the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity can we be a genuine Nazarite to God, the Nazarites of today. We have to see that the book of Numbers is not only a record of […]
The Spirit was Outpoured on the Day of Pentecost for the Formation of the Church

On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit, which is actually Christ Himself, was poured out on the members of Christ, His disciples, for the formation of the church. The church was produced in Christ’s resurrection, but it was formed on the day of Pentecost with the outpouring of the Spirit. The Feast of Pentecost […]
The Feast of Firstfruits signifies the Resurrected Christ for our Enjoyment as a Feast

When Christ resurrected, He fulfilled the type of the Feast of Firstfruits, for the resurrected Christ is the Firstfruits for our enjoyment as a feast in His resurrection. This week we come to the second set of three main feasts ordained by God in Leviticus – the feast of Firstfruits, the Feast of Pentecost, and […]
Feasting on Christ as the Unleavened Bread to live a Sinless and Pure Church Life

Our entire Christian life is a feast – we are enjoying Christ as our unleavened bread, Christ as the sinless life supply for us to have a pure church life to express Christ corporately. Praise the Lord, he has become our feast – he lived a sinless life by eating the father and living because […]
We Offer Christ to God for His Satisfaction, we Eat Christ, and we’re in Peace with God

In the morning we may take Christ as the burnt offering and offer Christ to God for His satisfaction, and then we may eat of Him as the meal offering to have Him as our life supply; the result is that we have peace, we’re at rest, and we’re full of joy, for we are […]
Ministering to the Lord by Drawing Near to Him and Spending Time with Him in Prayer

The Lord desires us to minister to Him by drawing near to Him, spend time before the Lord and pray more, and wait for His will to be revealed to us and infused into us, so that we may minister not only to His house but to the Lord Himself. In Ezek. 44 the Lord […]