If we want the life of Christ to be unhindered in us, we need to experience the breaking of the cross and let any obstacle be dealt with and removed; may the Lord shine on our rebellion (our unwillingness to cooperate with His inner leading) and on our natural capability and ability, which hinder God’s […]
Allow the Cross to Deal with Rebellion and Natural Capability for God’s Life to Grow
Obeying the Inner Feeling from the Spirit, God’s Living Word, as we Read the Bible

When Christ came, in Him was life, and the life was the light of the world; we as believers in Christ have Christ as life in us, and when we have the Lord’s living word within us, the inner feeling from the Spirit, we have God’s living word and we’re full of light and life. […]
The Real Significance of Prayer: Contacting God in Our Spirit to Absorb God!
![A true prayer involves God and man - the Spirit of God is mingled with man's spirit and the spirit of man being mingled with God's Spirit. [in the picture: the Principles of Prayer]](https://i0.wp.com/agodman.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/principles-of-prayer-mingled-with-god.jpg?fit=275%2C300&ssl=1)
What is the real significance of prayer? Is prayer the utterance of our need for help from God? Is prayer merely us praying to the Lord by opening our heart and telling Him everything? Is prayer a conversation with God? Is prayer a monologue in which you talk and you hope that God is listening? […]
our life relationship with God can never be broken, but our fellowship with Him can be interrupted…

Once you’re born of someone, you cannot be unborn; once you’re born of God with the divine life and nature, whatever you do, you cannot be un-born! Our life-relationship with God cannot be broken – we are and will always be His children in life and nature, partaking of all that He is! Our life […]
the fellowship of life is simply the continual flowing of the divine life within us

Hallelujah, as believers in Christ, we are regenerated with the divine life! This morning I was encouraged to see that once we receive this divine life, we not only become sons of God / God-men, but we also have this life flowing in us! The divine life is a flowing life, a life that has “fellowship”, […]