In our Christian experience, we are in the process of becoming a new creation by being broken and renewed; we are daily being delivered from living in the old creation to live in the new creation, that is, we are daily being renewed! As believers in Christ, we have both the human life and the […]
In our Experience we’re in the Process of Becoming a New Creation by being Broken and Renewed
Follow Jesus to Live a God-man life by the Divine Life for God’s Expression in man

The Lord Jesus as the first God-man lived a particular kind of life; He lived on earth not by His human life but by the divine life, and He denied Himself to live by God and live God in everything. He as the first God-man has cut the way into having such a living that […]
We Serpentine People are in the Process of Transformation into the Bride of Christ

The Bible shows us that the serpentine people (that’s us!) are becoming the universal increase of the unlimited Christ by the immeasurable Spirit with the eternal life. Hallelujah! The Bible begins and ends with a couple: in the beginning we see Adam and Eve, and at the end we see the Spirit and the bride. […]
Realising our own Inability and Serving God in the Principle of Resurrection today

The basis of our service to God should be the resurrection life, and we need to realise our own inability and serve God in the principle of resurrection today. The resurrected Christ should be our life, our living, and the resurrection life within us; and this life should bud, blossom, and bear fruit to maturity. […]
Christ is our Trespass Offering for Uncleanness and for Speaking Rashly before God

In Leviticus 5 there are four particular items that require the trespass offering – not being honest or faithful (lying), touching the uncleanness of death, touching the uncleanness of man, and speaking rashly before God. We may never consider these as being primary sins that we commit. We may think that to sin is to […]