2 Tim. 4:7 reveals that a proper Christian life involves fighting the good fight, running and finishing the course, and keeping the faith; we believers fight the good fight of the faith by fighting against any deviations from the faith, any different teachings that distract us from God’s economy, which is in faith. Amen! This […]
Fight the Good Fight by Keeping God’s Economy and Rejecting the Different Teachings
We need to Avoid Differing Teachings and Focus on God’s Economy to Protect the Church

For us to build the wall, we need to avoid differing teachings and focus on the healthy teaching of God’s economy. We need to build the wall to protect the church from differing teachings, which are contrary to the teaching of the apostles; we need to hold to and uphold only the healthy teaching […]
The Overcomers in Philadelphia Keep the Lord’s Word by Remaining in God’s Economy

As those who aspire to be the overcomers in Philadelphia, we need to arrive at the highest peak of the divine revelation in God’s economy; we need to hold to the apostles’ teaching with our little power, not deny the Lord’s name, and have His name inscribed on us as our name-badge that we […]
The Local Churches are the one Body of Christ with no Separation, Autonomy, or Organisation

Because the Body of Christ is one and all the local churches are the local expression of the one Body of Christ, there cannot be “autonomous local churches”; rather, the local churches are for the expression of the Body, and the Body is first while the local churches are second in our consideration. When we […]
Discerning the Different Teachings and Continuing Steadfastly in the Apostles’ Teaching

Besides the unique teaching of God’s New Testament economy, which is the teaching of the apostles, there are “different teachings”, teachings that are different, and there are winds of teaching which are used by Satan to distract us from the enjoyment of Christ and frustrate the building up of the Body of Christ. Paul wrote […]
Grow in Life and Stay in the Church Life to avoid being Tossed by the Winds of Teaching

We need to grow in life unto maturity and be constituted with the truth, remaining in the apostles’ teaching, so that we may no longer be carried about by every wind of teaching; any teaching different from the revelation of God’s New Testament economy is considered to be winds of teaching. We must avoid these […]
Speaking the Healthy Teaching of God’s New Testament Economy to Supply and Inoculate others

We need to be those who are holding to the faithful word, which is according to the teaching of the apostles; we need to speak the healthy teaching of God’s economy for the building up of the church and stay away from different teachings. What is the teaching of the apostles? It is the entire […]