The central and crucial point of the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, the recovery books, is the proper and adequate leadership as seen with Nehemiah; in serving the Lord we need to be found faithful and we need to be willing to be matched with others to be the proper representation of the Body […]
Being Faithful to God and being Matched with Others in our Service to God in the Body
Living in the Reality of the Body by having the Consciousness of the Body of Christ

In order for us to live in the reality of the Body of Christ together with the other members of the Body, we all need to have the consciousness of the Body of Christ; in the Body, there can be no independence or individualism but rather, we treasure the Body, we are members, and we […]
Treasuring the other Members of the Body and Denying the Self to be Built up Together

Individualism is hateful in the sight of God, for the self is the enemy of the Body, and when we live in the self, we declare independence from God and from the Body of Christ. When we believed into the Lord Jesus, we were regenerated with the divine life, and we became organic members of […]
There cannot be Independence or Individualism among the Members in the Body of Christ

In the Body of Christ there can be no independence or individualism, for we are members of the Body, and members can’t live in detachment from the Body; every member is indispensable, and every members is precious in God’s sight. We may know the term, The Body of Christ, but we may not be in […]
We need to Live the Body Life and Keep every Principle of the Body in the Church Life

If we cannot pass the test of the Body life, our spirituality is not genuine, for the Body life is the greatest test of our spirituality, and we as members of the Body need to live in the Body and keep every principle of the Body. As those living in the church age, we need […]
Being Completed by being Matched with other Saints for God’s Building and His Move

It is very enlightening to look at the pattern of the tabernacle in Exodus and apply it to our Christian experience today; two of the principles we see with the boards of the tabernacle is that we as members of the Body need to be completed for the building up of the church (just as […]
spiritual warfare is not an individual matter – we fight the battle in the Body

The whole universe is in a state of warfare, and the believers in Christ are at the forefront of the battle. We need to see that this spiritual warfare is not an individual matter – it is not an individual believer that puts on the whole armor of God and fights against the enemy. Satan […]