The dealing with a wife over whom her husband is jealous in Num. 5:11-31 typifies Christ’s jealousy over His believers and the church; we have a jealous God, and God is jealous whenever we love anything or anyone in place of Him. This portion in Num. 5 is very particular, and if such a procedure […]
In God’s light we see that God is Jealous over us to Love Him Supremely as His Wife
Being willing to Drive out our Natural Life Little by Little by Growing in Christ

God has a purpose, and for the accomplishment of His purpose He made an economy; in His economy God desires to obtain a group of people who are filled and saturated with God to become His expression and representation on earth. In order for God to accomplish His economy, He Himself came and did many […]
everything shall live where the river flows; we need to be absolute for the Lord and His recovery
If we see the flow, if we see God’s desire, if we see the Lord’s recovery, and if we taste of the sweet church life, yet we are not absolute for the Lord and for the Lord’s recovery, there’s a danger that we would be a swamp and a marsh. “Our stand concerning the church must be absolute. If you stand in a denomination, you should stand absolutely….If you stand on the ground of the church, you must stand absolutely. You should be either cold or hot, but you should not be lukewarm” (life-study of Ezekiel). [continue reading online]
I give my life to You, Lord, for You alone are worthy! I love You!(2011 Poland camp)
The Poland camp was “different” this year. Praise the Lord for this time. It was so encouraging to be with saints and to hear all these words. I appreciated that brother Tom opened some topics like Lord’s coming, relationships, our attitude toward world, the danger of world, and many other things. I was impressed especially […]
it is our privilege and the goal of our life to live for the Lord and be the Nazarites today(2011 Poland camp)
In the past Poland Conference for the Young People, I really enjoyed the Wednesday evening message about the ten plagues – it showed us God’s mercy on the Egyptians. Moreover, we saw that Satan as Pharaoh tried to negotiate with Moses – and same it is these days, Satan wants us to make a compromise! […]