The ultimate consummation of the Bible, the conclusion and highest peak of all of God’s work throughout the ages, is the New Jerusalem. This holy city is not something physical but something spiritual, and if we look at the description of the New Jerusalem we will see that the city involves God and man being […]
New Jerusalem is a Composition of God’s Chosen People who have been Deified by Him
Clearly Seeing the High Peak of the Divine Revelation and Praying for a New Revival

In the beginning of the Bible we see God as a “single person”, and at the end of the Bible we see “the Spirit and the Bride” as a couple. The entire Bible is a divine-human romance; the content of God’s economy is God becoming a man to court man, regenerate man, and transform man […]
Christ needs to become the centrality and universality of our life and work

Christ is the centrality (the center) and the universality (the circumference) in God’s economy. We may understand this, like this, and even say this, but has this become a vision to us that affects our being to the extent that to us, in our experience, Christ is our center and our everything? We need to […]
the New Jerusalem is the Reflection and Consummation of the type in the Garden of Eden
The consummation of God’s salvation and the conclusion of the entire revelation in the Scriptures is the New Jerusalem! This week we are enjoying two particular aspects of the New Jerusalem – the Reflection & Fulfillment of the Divine Revelation concerning the Garden of Eden AND the Unique Goal of the Christian Work. The New […]