May the Lord have mercy on us and have a way to break our outer man with our natural disposition so that we no longer live according to it but rather, our spirit will flow out to minister life to others; with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. The more […]
When the Lord breaks our outer man with our Natural Disposition, our Spirit will Flow
Being Dealt with in our Natural Disposition to Grow in Life and be Useful in Service

In order for us to be useful to the Lord in His service, we need to deal with our natural disposition for our growth in life; for us to have a proper church life, even a good practice of the genuine church life, we need to deal with what we are by birth. This week […]
The Reality of the Body is a Corporate Living of Conformity to the Death of Christ

Being one spirit with the Lord means that we are organically united and blended with Him to become one in life, and we live a life in conformity to the death of Christ for the life of Christ to be lived out in us. As believers in Christ, we are the many members of the […]
Spending Time with the Lord to Listen to His Word and be Dealt with in His Light

In order for us to minister life to others so that Christ may increase in them, we need to spend adequate time with the Lord to listen to His word and be dealt with by Him under His light. The church is a matter of life; the church is the increase of Christ, and the way […]
Our Natural Disposition can be Useful to the Lord in a Renewed and Transformed Way

Jacob’s prophesying with blessing in Genesis 49 applies both to the twelve tribes of Israel (his twelve sons) and to our Christian experience today in the church. In his blessing of the first three sons we don’t see many positive things – Reuben lost the birthright and didn’t receive the blessing because he indulged in […]
some enjoyment from my first term of training in the FTTL(the Full Time Training in London)
Thank You Lord for Your mercy – I have completed the first term of the full-time training in London. It is really the Lord’s sovereignty that I could give myself to Him to be trained together with those who love Him in this wonderful environment. I have to say that my first term has been […]