All believers in Christ are priests to God, and one of the most important things in serving as a priest is to spend time with the Lord. We all know that we need to have such a time with our dear Lord Jesus, but again and again, as things press upon us, this time is […]
Being People of Incense who Inwardly Contact the Lord and Pray one with Christ
not seeking our own glory but God’s glory by spending time privately with Him

One of the most outstanding things concerning the Lord Jesus in His life and ministry on the earth is that He did not seek His own glory but the glory of the Father who sent Him (see John 7:18; 5:41; 12:43). After performing a great miracle like the feeding of the five thousand people with only five […]
Christ was like a lone sparrow on a housetop, spending much time with the Father
As a lone sparrow, Christ spend much time in prayer and watching with the Father, caring for God’s interest and God’s house. What do you think He prayed about? Do you think the Lord Jesus prayed about Him still being single, about His business, about His welfare, or about Him being physically unattractive? No, the Lord didn’t care about Himself but He cared for God’s interest, the desire of God’s heart. In His loneliness – in the sense that He couldn’t open the depths of His being to any human being – Christ spent much time with God and took God as His companion! [read more online]