The genuine Christian life is the life of an overcomer, and we as the overcomers in the New Testament should be kings who have received the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness to reign in life. Amen, Hallelujah! This week we come to the last crystal in the books of 1 […]
The Genuine Christian Life is the Life of an Overcomer – Reigning in Life as Kings!
The New Man is the Spontaneous Issue of our Taking Christ as our Life and Living Him

We need to take Christ as our life, our person, and live Him by being daily saved in His life; the spontaneous issue of our taking Christ as our life and living Him is the one new man in practicality and reality today. The fact that Christ is our life is a strong indication that […]
Christ must be our Life Practically: We need to be Daily Saved in the Divine Life!

The fact that Christ is our life (Col. 3:4) is a strong indication that we as believers in Christ need to take Him as life and live by Him, that we day by day need to be saved in the divine life in a practical and experiential way. After believing into Christ, He came into […]
As our High Priest, Christ is Able to Save us to the Uttermost, the Fullest Extent

In His ascension, Christ is the kingly and divine High Priest interceding for us; He has been constituted our High Priest according to the power of an indestructible life, and He is able to save us to the uttermost. Hallelujah for our Christ who today is our High Priest interceding for us! This week in […]
The Altar of Burnt Offering and the Incense Altar are for Carrying out God’s Economy

After seeing the high revelation and the deep meaning of the golden incense altar, the “heart” of the tabernacle in the most holy sense, we now want to see more concerning the other altar, the altar of burnt offering. The incense altar is in the tabernacle, while the altar of burnt offering is in the […]
God’s Complete Salvation is for Us to Reign in Life by Receiving the Abundance of Grace

In His complete salvation, God intends not only to redeem us from the eternal perdition through His judicial redemption but also that He may fully save us in His life through His organic salvation. In the book of Romans we see this so clearly: God’s complete salvation has two aspects, the judicial aspect (His redemption) […]
Christ in His God-man Living and in Us Fulfills God’s Intention in Creating Man

God designed man to be His duplication and His expression, but due to man’s fall the first man Adam failed God in His purpose and ruined God’s design for man. When God created man, what He had in mind is to have man as His duplication and expression on earth by man receiving His life […]