We need to be filled continuously with the Spirit for the noble work of building up of the church as the Body of Christ. If we want to walk in the all-inclusive Christ as the reality of the good land, we need to have much and thorough prayer in our life and service, praying at […]
Being Filled Continuously with the Spirit for the Noble Work of Building up the Church
God Speaks through Negative Situations and Ministers the Riches of Christ to Supply us

The way the Lord speaks is by His shining and by some situations that are negative and dark. God’s speaking is according to the negative situation yet with the riches of Christ as the supply for His people for them to go on with the Lord. How much we need God’s shining in us, […]
Much and Thorough Prayer to be infused with God’s instruction to Care for the Church

In order for us to know how to care for the saints according to God and how to pray for them, we need to be under the Lord’s shining through much and thorough prayer so that we can see what our situation and their situation is, even as the high priest had the Lord’s […]
Let’s pray for the full-time teams laboring on the college campuses (2)

Dear saints, let us pray that the full-time teams laboring on the college campuses would be blended together in one accord, which is the master key to every blessing in the New Testament (Acts 1:14; 2:46-47; Lev. 2:4). The way to be blended is by much and thorough prayer, as fine flour of the wheat, […]
Learn to Keep the Oneness of the Spirit in the One Accord with Much and Thorough Prayer

We need to learn to keep the oneness of the Spirit in the one accord with much and thorough prayer. The one accord is the heart of the oneness; the one accord is the Body of Christ, and if we lack the one accord, we have a sickness in the heart within the Body, for […]
being desperate before the Lord regarding our spiritual condition, we want to be made vital by Him – part of a vital group!
On the one hand, we are believers in the Lord pursuing Him personally, and on the other hand we are those who live a life for God’s purpose in the church life. We have seen a principle in the Bible, that is: the vital groups. We cannot just “live the church life” in a general […]
maintaining a pleasant spirit and a sweet oneness in the church life through prayer and fellowship
In the church life, in the practical Body life, there are all ages for the Lord’s testimony – young ones, children, young adults, middle-aged saints, and older saints. Especially in the world and mainly related to position and ambition, there is much friction between the different generations – but to have dissensions between the younger […]