As those who give heed to the prophetic word so that the morning star rises in our heart, we need to have an intimate relationship with God and read the Bible in a living way so that light would shine and Christ as the living star would rise in our heart. When we give […]
Read the Bible in a Living way to have a Shining Star Rise in our Spirit as we love God
Give Heed to the Prophetic Word as to a Lamp Shining in a Dark Place until the Day Dawns

As believers in Christ living in the last days of this age, we are eagerly waiting for the Lord’s return, and we give heed to the prophetic word as to a lamp shining in a dark place until the morning star rises in our hearts. We are in a dark age today, and the […]
Give Heed to the Prophetic Word and Know the Prophecies to Prepare for the Lord’s Return

It is crucial for believers to give heed to the prophetic word and know the prophecies not merely for curiosity or more spiritual knowledge but to know the times and be prepared for the Lord’s return. Amen! This week in our morning revival we are focusing on a particular aspect of preparing ourselves for […]
Living Stars Rise up Early to Meet the Lord and are Filled with the Spirit to be Messengers

Christ is the Bright and Morning Star, and as we spend time with Him in His word, He rises in our heart as the star, and we ourselves are produced to be stars shining in this dark age. As the Lord’s faithful followers, we need to be produced as shining and living stars; this age […]
We need to Enjoy Christ as the Star Shining in us and as the Sceptre Ruling over us

In the book of Numbers we see a prophecy concerning Christ – He is the Star shining in a dark place, and the Sceptre to rule with authority the whole earth for God’s kingdom. The book of Numbers presents the history of Israel, and the history of Israel is a type of the history of […]