As believers in Christ, we are God-men, men born of God, and we have the divine right to participate in God’s life and in God’s nature; it is our right to participate in these things. Hallelujah! God created us, men, in His image and according to His likeness, and He put the tree of […]
We Believers in Christ have the Divine Right to Participate in God’s Life and Nature
Believers are God-men, Born of God, having the Right to Participate in God’s Divinity
As believers in Christ, we are God-men, and we have the divine right to participate in God’s divinity, that is, participate in God, for we are children of God having the life and nature of God. Wow, Hallelujah! This week in our morning revival we are enjoying the matter of, The God-men’s Divine Right […]
Adorn and Consummate the New Jerusalem by Enjoying, Experiencing, and Ministering Christ
As believers in Christ, we can adorn and consummate the New Jerusalem by enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, and ministering Christ for the building up of the church. The consummation of the Bible is the final building of God, the New Jerusalem; eventually, the Triune God and redeemed humanity will be mingled, blended, and built up […]
We should Participate in God’s Building – the Mutual Constitution of God and Man
As believers in Christ who love Him and work for God today in the church life, we need to participate in God’s building so that He may gain a mutual constitution – the constitution of the divine element into the human element and of the human element into the divine element. Amen! God’s unique desire […]
Let God Build Himself into us and Minister the Building and Builded God into Others
If we believers in Christ realize that God desires to work Himself into His chosen people and His unique work is to build Himself in Christ into our being, then the goal of our work will be to minister the building and builded God into others so that the Triune God may build Himself into […]
Strengthened by the Father so that Christ may make His Home Deep down in our Heart
We need to be strengthened by the Father through His Spirit according to the riches of His glory into the inner man so that Christ may make His home deep down in our heart through faith. Paul’s prayer in Eph. 3:14-19 reveals that for the fulfilment of God’s eternal economy, we need the Father, according […]
Supply the Nutrients for Christ to Grow in us for the Building up of the Church
We need to supply the nutrients for Christ to grow in us for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ. As believers in Christ, we are God’s cultivated land, a farm in God’s new creation to grow Christ so that precious materials may be produced for the building of God. Therefore, […]