Live & Walk by the Spirit to be Anointed with the Compound Spirit for God’s Building

When we live and walk according to the Spirit and in the mingled spirit, we are anointed with the compound Spirit for God’s building. The holy anointing oil in Exo. 30 was used to anoint the tabernacle with everything and everyone related to its service; the compound Spirit is for the anointing of the saints […]

The Anointing Teaches us All things by Painting us with the Compound Spirit today

The compound Spirit as the reality of the holy anointing oil in Exo. 30 is to anoint us and guide us in all things so that we may abide in the Lord; by painting us with the compound Spirit, the Triune God in resurrection mingles Himself with our humanity to bear the full responsibility for […]

In the Compound Spirit we have the Mingling of God and Man and the Death of Christ

In the compound Spirit, there’s the mingling of God and man, of divinity and humanity, and also the death of Christ and His sufferings, all of which can be applied to us in our spirit as we contact the Lord today. The Spirit is very crucial for us in our Christian life. So many Christians […]

The Christian Life is a Matter of the Spirit – the Compound Spirit in our spirit

As believers in Christ, we need to see the intrinsic significance and revelation of the Spirit as the reality of the compound ointment as the holy anointing oil, for we can have the Christian life only in the Spirit, by the Spirit, and it is only the Spirit who can live the Christian life. This […]

Enjoying the All-inclusive Christ Issues in the Church as the Temple and City of God

The issue of our enjoying and experiencing Christ as the all-inclusive good land is the church as the house of God (the temple of God) and the city of God (the kingdom of God) for Him to have a corporate expression on earth and for Him to have dominion through the church. Amen! As those […]

Meet with the Saints for Corporate Worship in Spirit and on the Ground of Oneness

As believers in Christ, we must meet with the Lord’s children for corporate worship at the place that the Lord has chosen – in our spirit and on the unique ground of oneness, bringing Christ as the offerings and having much rejoicing in the Lord, for here we are one with God and with one […]

Accumulate the Experiences of Christ and Bring the Christ we Enjoy to the Meetings

We need to enjoy Christ day by day to accumulate the experiences of Christ and keep a rich storage of the Lord’s word in our being, and when we come together, we must have an exhibition of the Christ upon whom we have laboured, the Christ whom we have enjoyed and experienced. Amen! On the […]