We must be faithful in service in the Lord’s commission to give God as food to the members of His household so that we may win Christ as our reward in the coming kingdom; we need to be the faithful and prudent slaves giving them food at the proper time! Amen! This week in our […]
Being Faithful and Prudent Slaves who give God’s People Food at the Proper Time
Being the Faithful and Prudent Stewards in God’s Household to Give His People Food

After seeing a vision of the high peak of the divine revelation, we are inwardly strengthened and motivated to live the life of a God-man, and the Lord is discipling us in many ways that we would live such a life. The result and spontaneous issue of seeing that God became man to make man […]
being a laboring farmer and an unashamed workman cutting straight the word of truth
The word of God is like a grain of wheat – it dispenses God as life into us to nourish us. Also, the Word of God is like a fire and a hammer to purify us and break down our self, our natural life, our flesh, our lusts, and even our concepts (see Jer. 23:28-29). As laboring farmers, we diligently and patiently minister the Word of God to people for their growth in the divine life. In all our contact with the saints, we should be pure and have only one motive – ministering Christ to them so that they might grow in life in the Lord (1 Tim. 5:1-2). [continue reading online]