We are Blended through the Cross and by the Spirit, Dispensing Christ for the Body

God has blended the Body together, and He is adjusting, harmonizing, tempering, and mingling the Body together; for us to be blended we have to go through the cross and be by the Spirit, dispensing Christ to others for the sake of the Body of Christ. This is so that God would carry out His […]

Function in the Body for the Growth of the Body unto the Building up of itself in Love

How we need to function in the Body for the growth of the Body unto the building up of itself in love! As we grow up into the Head in life, our function will come out from the Head for the building up of the Body; the building up of the Body of Christ under […]

We Honor God and Others by being Filled with the Holy Spirit and Ministering the Spirit

Praise the Lord for the all-inclusive Christ as the good land, a land of olive trees! Here we enjoy and experience Christ as the One who was filled and anointed with the Spirit and we become sons of fresh oil, those who honor God and man by ministering Christ to others. Hallelujah! Our good land […]

Enjoy Christ as the Land of Milk and Honey to be Constituted with Him and Minister Him

One wonderful way for us to enjoy the all-inclusive Christ as the good land in His redeeming and generating aspects is by eating God’s words, for God’s word is milk for us to drink and honey to eat. The good land to which the Old Testament makes reference again and again is a land flowing […]

We need to Labor and Struggle to Present all the Saints Full-Grown in Christ for the New Man

For the practical existence of the one new man, we need to labor and struggle to present all the saints full-grown in Christ; all the things we do should be with ministering Christ to others in view, so that we may be able to present them full-grown in Christ before God. On one hand we […]

We need to Match God in His Move on Earth today by Serving Him and Ministering Christ

The holy service portrayed in Numbers was for a God who is very active and moving; our priesthood and service is not for Christ who is inactive but for a Christ who is very active, and we must match God in His move. On one hand as believers in Christ we are a holy and […]

As Levites we Handle Christ and as Priests we Minister Him with His Riches to Others

As believers in Christ we are priests to God and our full-time job is to handle Christ (as the priests handled the items of the tabernacle) and the church, and to minister Christ in all His rich aspects to people. The book of Numbers is a book of service, and this service is a holy […]