If we believers in Christ realize that God desires to work Himself into His chosen people and His unique work is to build Himself in Christ into our being, then the goal of our work will be to minister the building and builded God into others so that the Triune God may build Himself into […]
Let God Build Himself into us and Minister the Building and Builded God into Others
Live Christ to Magnify Him and Minister Him into others to be Channels of Supply

If we live Christ to magnify Him for His expression, we will become strong factors, channels of supply, to enable the saints to grow in life and enjoy the Lord. Amen, Lord Jesus, make us such ones, those who are channels of supply, channels of life, for the saints to grow in life and […]
Being Prudent Slaves to be Rewarded by the Lord not Evil Slaves who will be Cut Off

As those learning to be faithful and prudent slaves of God, we need to beware of eating and drinking with the drunken (keeping company with the worldly people, who are drunk with worldly things) and spread the Lord’s word to give others food at the proper time so that we may be rewarded with […]
Minister Christ to others to Present every man Full-Grown in Christ to be Rapture-Ready

We need to enjoy and be filled with the riches of Christ so that we may minister Christ to others and present every man full-grown in Christ for the one new man; to be ready for rapture, we need the maturity in life. Amen! No farmer expects results right after sowing the seed; similarly, […]
The Ministry of Life: we need to have a Surplus of Life to Minister Life to others

As believers in Christ who are becoming the reproduction of Christ as the tree of life, we have the ministry of life, and we can give life to others out of a surplus of life. On one hand, we eat the tree of life and partake of God as life, and on the other […]
The Stewardship of Grace is the Dispensing of God into People to be their Enjoyment

The stewardship of grace has been entrusted to us for God’s dispensation into man as grace for their enjoyment to produce and build up the church as the Body of Christ. Hallelujah, each one of us has been entrusted with the stewardship of grace, for grace was given “to me for you” so that […]
We need to Care for the Saints in Love and Minister Christ as the Sin-Dealing Life to them

As those learning to shepherd the flock of God, we need to take care of the saints in everything and in every way for the dispensing of Christ into them; we need to contact the saints and minister Christ as the sin-dealing life into them, for the life of Christ is a life that deals […]