As believers in Christ, we are in Christ and we bear Christ as righteousness, holiness, and glory – in God’s eyes we look like righteousness, holiness, and glory, and we have the appearance of a rainbow (1 Cor. 1:30)! On the one hand, the rainbow around the throne of God is a sign of God’s […]
In Christ we are Becoming the Righteousness, Holiness, and Glory of God – the Rainbow
Ezekiel 1 shows us God’s Eternal Intention to have the Manifestation of God in Man

The conclusion of Ezekiel 1 is that on the throne there’s One who has the appearance of a man, and the four living creatures also have the appearance of a man, which shows us that, in His mysterious relationship with man, God mingles Himself with man to become the same as man and make man […]
Enjoying the Triune God in the Divine Dispensing for the Building up of the Church

The desire of God’s heart is to have a built-up church as His house, His dwelling place with and among men, and the way He gains it in His economy is by His divine dispensing – the dispensing of the Divine Trinity into man for the producing and building up of the church. God does […]
Being Joined with others by and in the Holy Spirit with the Holding Power of the Divine Nature

When we look at how the boards and the uniting bars were made, put together, and functioning, we realize that in the Body of Christ we must be joined with others by the Holy Spirit and in the Holy Spirit with the holding power of the divine nature. First of all, these boards were quite […]
Being Mingled with God to be Transformed into Precious Stones Built up Together

The breastplate that the high priest had to wear on top of the ephod had twelve precious stones on which the names of the twelve tribes of Israel were engraved; this signifies that we as God’s redeemed and transformed people are being built together to become one entity. The high priest wore the building of […]
The Oneness of the Body of Christ is the Enlarged Oneness of the Divine Trinity

There are many wonderful aspects of the tabernacle in Exodus that are types of our Christian experience, and one of these is that the tabernacle typifies the oneness in the Triune God. Oneness in this universe is God Himself; only God is one, and the oneness in the Triune God is the unique and most […]
God’s Building is the Desire of God’s Heart and the Goal of His Salvation

The book of Exodus is a book of pictures, starting from the portrait of life in the world under Satan’s usurpation and ending with God’s building, the goal of God’s salvation. The experiences that the people of Israel went through are a portrait and a type of our own Christian experience, and today we as […]