We are in the process of growing in life and being transformed by our old man dying out and our new man being being renewed day by day. Praise the Lord, our old man is being consumed, is dying out, and is put away, and our new man is growing up, is renewed, and is […]
Growing in Life and being Transformed by our Old Man Dying out and our New Man being Renewed
Blessing is the Overflow of the Divine Life that Inwardly Changes us and Fills us

The issue of Jacob’s transformation and maturity was blessing – he blessed everyone! At the end of his life, when he went to Egypt, all Jacob did was to bless: he blessed Pharaoh, he blessed his sons, and he blessed Joseph’s sons. The issue of maturity in life and of the reigning aspect of a […]
Going Along with the Lord’s Work of Transformation to be Conformed to His Image

After being regenerated by God with His divine life, all the believers in Christ are in the daily process of transformation until they are being conformed to the image of the firstborn Son of God, Jesus Christ (Rom. 8:29). This process of transformation is not something outward, like an outward correction or adjustment, but an […]
Struggling with God and Being Transformed by God into Israel, a Prince of God

God selected Jacob and chose him to be His expression as a prince of God, and Jacob went through a long process of transformation and maturity to become one who not only wrestles with God but also is a prince of God, expressing God and representing Him on earth. It is amazing to see in […]
Being Transformed by Enjoying the Bountiful Spirit and By Conversing with the Lord

As believers in Christ we are today in the process of transformation by enjoying the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ (Phil. 1:19-21). Our transformation is not determined by the environment, the sufferings, or the outward things; rather, as we enjoy the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, there’s a metabolic […]
Turning our Heart to the Lord to be Metabolically Transformed into His Image

In 2 Cor. 3:16-18 Paul speaks of the process of transformation, how we are being transformed into the same image as Christ from glory to glory. May we be those who continually turn their heart to the Lord so that any veil would be taken away! When we read the Bible, do we see the […]