Holding the Faith, Enjoying the Lord, and Functioning as Members of the Body

The church in Pergamos, the church in union with the world, held the teaching of Balaam and the teaching of the Nicolaitans; what started as the practice of the Nicolaitans in Ephesus now became a teaching in Pergamos. The Lord’s speaking to this church as recorded in Rev. 2 is applicable to our situation today. […]

In His Resurrection Christ Enlarged God’s Temple to be the mystical Body of Christ

God’s desire throughout the Bible is to gain a building, a mutual dwelling place of God and man; for this, He created Adam, He called Abraham, He chose Moses, He brought His people into the good land, and He did everything for His people. Throughout the Bible we can see that God’s intention is to […]

Carrying out Christ’s Intercession in our Prayers of Intercession in Oneness with Him

It is both amazing and crucial for us to see and realize that the execution of God’s administration is motivated by the prayers offered to Him from the incense altar (see Rev. 8). In Rev. 6 the saints who were martyred pray from underneath the altar, asking the Lord desperately that He would vindicate and […]

The three Laws in the three Parts of our Being and the Function of the Law of Life

Every life has a law and even is a law; the law of a life is the innate capacity and ability of that life to grow, shape, and produce certain things. For example, the apple tree has the life of the apple tree, and the law of this life shapes the tree, the branches, the […]

The Body is the Intrinsic Significance of the Church and the Mingling of God with Man

The church is the most precious thing in God’s eyes, and Christ gave Himself up for the church to redeem her and bring her to Himself. We need to see a vision of the preciousness, importance, and practicality of the church: the church is very important to God, and the church is both universal and […]

In our Daily Living We Need to Consider the One New Man – All the Local Churches!

There is only one Body of Christ in this universe, and all the local churches are the local representations of the Body of Christ, as the Lord has ordained. In the same way, there is only one new man on the earth, and all the churches are part of the one new man. Christ created […]

Seeing a Vision of the Body of Christ and Realizing our Great Need for the Body

In all spiritual things, our seeing is our knowing and entering in. If you see the Body of Christ, you know the Body and you enter into the Body life in practicality. We need to see a vision of the Body of Christ in the same way that Paul saw it, and then we will […]